Famous Green Man carving in prominent position high up on north wall inside the church. There is also a small dragon carving almost opposite on the other wall. Beautifully situated pub next door!
According to Garanhir, one of our Web Readers, you should check out the baptismal at the church.When he was there in 1975 the former Headmaster of the Old Radnor School stated that the font, a massive igneous boulder was made from the altar stone which stood on the site long ago when the Pagan temple was still there. Also nearby are the Radnor Four Stones (Shown Below).

Standing a mile or so north of Old Radnor on a side road, this is a rare example of a "four poster" circle normally found in north east Scotland. Contrary to common belief, therefore, this is not an incomplete circle. In "A Guide to the Stone Circles of Britain, Ireland and Brittany" (Yale UP) Burl reports that faint evidence of Bronze Age cup marks has been detected, but not confirmed, on the SW stone.
Also according to Burl: "The stones reputedly mark the graves of four kings killed in a nearby battle. When they hear the church-bells they go down to Hindwell Pool, half a mile to the east, to drink". Standing stones going to a pool or river to drink at certain times of the year or on hearing a particular cue is a common idea in British folklore.